
If you notice that you are feeling very stressed in your life whether it be caused by work/ family/ other, it may be an indication that it is time to look at the cause(s) of your stress.

Often times it is how we think about certain situations; the pressure we put on ourselves, which causes us to feel stressed about them

Counselling will provide you with the calming, non-pressurised space to temporarily step away from your stressors and look at them more objectively.

Taking this time to look at your life and the situations/ relationships which are causing you stress, will give you clarity around how you can take better care of yourself and lead a happier, less stress-filled existence.

At Insights Counselling, Carlow, I will provide you with the space you need to step out of your life and look in.

From this objective, calming view point you can examine what has been causing you so much stress and decide a way forward which is healthier for you and those around you.

Sarah Sutton. MIACP

If you are contemplating counselling and would like to know more about how I work, you can phone/text me now at: 086 4063043

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